
Reflections on raising someone who is probably going to change the world.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Walking, talking, climbing, oh my!

Little Miss is not so little these days. She is getting so big and has become such a little person. She says so many words and takes 4-5 steps at a time before plopping onto her bottom. She had a wonderful first birthday with a lot of friends and family and a giant hot dog bar with tons of different toppings for food. She loves the pool and is pretty fearless - she even goes under....well, let's say she tolerates me dunking her with minimal trauma. She climbs and knocks stuff down. She throw things and hides things - found my cell phone under couch after 20 frantic minutes of looking.

As for me, juggling everything in my life is challenging. I finally finished grad school (now I have to pay for it, haha.) I am also involved with an exciting project based in NYC where I will actually be paid for writing my observations and confessions. And I'm trying to formalize my consulting stuff (social media and team building services) which is taking up a lot of time and energy. Plus work...you know, my regular full time job. The busy season is coming up and thinking about that makes me feel tired. All of that and watching this little lady grow and change. I am bound and determined to do it all well - I know it's possible even if other people think it's crazy.

Here are a few favorite photos from the last month or so.

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